Hat Ao Phrao beach is only one beach on the west side of Samet Island. Hat Ao Phrao beach has nice sunset views. Thai people call ‘Coconut Bay Beach’ but for marketing reasons bungalow operators tend to use the clichéd ‘Paradise Beach’ moniker. Long time ago there are no jet skis on this side, so it tend to be quieter than the beach’s east coast. Local bungalow operators also do a good job of keeping the beach clean. There is a daily boat between Saphaan Nuanthip in Ban Phe and Ao Phraw beach for about 50B per person.
Hat Ao Phrao beach is only one beach on the west side of Samet Island. Hat Ao Phrao beach has nice sunset views. Thai people call ‘Coconut Bay Beach’ but for marketing reasons bungalow operators tend to use the clichéd ‘Paradise Beach’ moniker. Long time ago there are no jet skis on this side, so it tend to be quieter than the beach’s east coast. Local bungalow operators also do a good job of keeping the beach clean. There is a daily boat between Saphaan Nuanthip in Ban Phe and Ao Phraw beach for about 50B per person.